Choosing the Right Executor for Your Estate: Key Considerations

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Make a Wise Choice

Choosing the right executor for your estate is an important decision and should not be taken lightly. Selecting someone with the necessary qualifications, including but not limited to availability, reliability, and comfort with dealing with assets is essential. In this blog, we'll discuss eight key considerations when selecting an executor for your estate. We'll provide helpful advice on evaluating each of these factors to make the best possible choice and ensure your intentions become a reality.


The most crucial factor to consider when choosing an executor for your estate is availability. The individual you select must be able to commit sufficient time and energy to managing your estate, ensuring that all assets are distributed according to your wishes and that any debts or taxes owed are paid off promptly. If you’re considering designating an individual as a potential executor of your estate, it’s a great idea to first have a discussion about any commitments that might prevent them from being able to fulfill their duties in this role.


Once you are certain that the prospective executor is available, it's vital to consider whether this individual is one that is reliable and capable of following through with their commitments. Ask yourself questions such as: “does this person have a track record of meeting deadlines” and “are they organized and detail oriented?” It may also be helpful (though certainly not required) if any candidates or prospective executors already understand the complexity of estate planning.

Comfort Dealing with Assets

An executor should be comfortable handling financial affairs, such as making investment decisions and managing tax matters. If you’re considering designating a family member as an executor, inquire as to their experience with these types of responsibilities. Regardless of what type of employment the prospective executor holds, a conversation surrounding the individual’s qualifications and background in working with estates may be illuminating.


While it may seem like common sense, the executor you choose to handle your assets and make decisions on your behalf after you’ve passed must be someone that you trust. When determining whether you should choose this individual, you may want to consider how well you know this person and whether they have any potential conflicts of interest that could compromise their ability to honestly fulfill your wishes.

Familiarity With Your Wishes

A good executor should know how you wish your estate be handled, including but not limited to who should receive what from your estate and when. They should also be familiar with legal matters, such as probate and tax laws. Before you select a potential executor, engage in a serious discussion with that individual to make sure that they fully understand your position.

Communication Skills

An executor must have the ability to effectively communicate with other parties involved in the estate, such as beneficiaries or creditors. This includes being comfortable discussing somewhat sensitive topics related to the estate professionally. Contemplate the communication skills of potential executors and think critically about how they would handle difficult conversations related to such affairs as asset distribution.


Executors must remain objective when making decisions related to the estate and should never let personal opinions or biases influence their duties. Consider how well an individual can separate their feelings from the task.


Compassion is crucial when dealing with the estate's beneficiaries and other individuals involved. Often, the handling of an estate signifies a difficult period for all involved and requires great respect. An individual’s ability to handle these grueling conversations with sensitivity and empathy is indispensable.

Work With Cleveland Estate Planning Attorneys

In conclusion, selecting an executor for your estate is an important decision that requires careful consideration. The more thought you put into this designation, the more comfortable you can be that your decision will be the right one when the time comes. Contemplate the qualifications above to make the best choice for your family and loved ones.

For help with estate planning, turn to the attorneys at Laubacher & Co.. Learn more about estate planning or get started with a consultation by calling (440) 336-8687 or visiting our website.
