Cleveland Family Law Attorneys
man signing prenup

Everything You Need to Know About Prenuptial Agreements

Legal Framework 

Prenuptial agreements, often simply referred to as "prenups," are not just the domain of celebrities and the ultra-wealthy. These legal documents serve as a pragmatic solution for spouses seeking clarity and security before tying the knot. Governed by state law, prenups must adhere to the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act (UPAA) for them to hold water in court. For a prenup to be valid, it must be in writing, signed by both parties, and entered into voluntarily. Full disclosure of assets is also critical, as any hint of concealment could render the agreement null and void.

Moreover, the enforceability of a prenuptial agreement hinges on its fairness and the absence of undue influence or coercion. Courts are vigilant in ensuring that both parties can seek independent legal counsel. In Ohio, the agreement must not only be at the time of signing but also at the time of enforcement, which is typically during a divorce. This dual-point fairness check ensures that the agreement was not only entered into with a clear understanding but also that it stands the test of time and changing circumstances.

Components of a Strong Prenup

A strong prenup should list all individual assets, such as real estate, bank accounts, personal property, and any debts. It's also wise to address how future earnings, inheritance, and investments will be treated. Clauses regarding spousal support, including conditions, duration, and amount, are equally important to prevent future disputes. However, it's important to note that matters related to child custody and support cannot be predetermined in a prenuptial agreement, as these are subject to the court's discretion based on the child's best interests at the time of the divorce.

Another critical aspect of a robust prenup is the inclusion of provisions for the division of property upon divorce or death. These provisions can specify which assets are to remain separate and how marital property should be divided. By addressing these components with precision and foresight, couples can create a prenuptial agreement that is a strong foundation for their financial relationship, providing peace of mind and clarity as they embark on their marital journey together.

Financial Implications

Protection of Business Interests

For entrepreneurs and business owners, a prenuptial agreement is critical for safeguarding their lives and work. It can protect a business from being subject to division as marital property, which is particularly important in a state where the default is often an equitable distribution of assets. By explicitly stating that the business is to remain separate property, the agreement ensures that the operations and assets of the business are insulated from the personal relationship, thereby providing stability and security to the business owner, their partners, and employees.

Moreover, a prenup can also address the increase in the value of the business during the marriage, which can be a contentious issue in divorce proceedings. By predefining the spouse's entitlement, or lack thereof, to any appreciation of the business's value, the agreement provides a clear roadmap for the future. This foresight protects the business owner's interests and prevents the potential disruption or dissolution of a business due to personal relationship breakdowns, ensuring the enterprise's continuity and success.

Challenging and Enforcing Prenuptial Agreements

Grounds for Invalidating a Prenup

While prenuptial agreements are powerful tools, they are not impervious to challenges. In Ohio, there are several grounds on which a prenup may be invalidated. Claims of duress, where one party asserts they were pressured into signing the agreement, can lead to its nullification if proven. Fraud is another serious accusation that can undermine a prenup, especially if one party fails to disclose all assets or misrepresents their value. Additionally, a prenup may be deemed unconscionable if its terms are excessively unfair to one party, leaving them with a starkly inequitable financial outcome.

It's also worth noting that any prenup that was not executed voluntarily or without the benefit of full and fair disclosure stands on shaky ground. The courts will not uphold an agreement that fails to meet the basic standards of fairness and transparency. These legal safeguards are in place to ensure that both parties enter into the agreement with a clear understanding of its implications and that neither is taken advantage of.

Future-Proofing Your Prenup

Amendments and Revisions

Life is unpredictable, and circumstances can change dramatically after a prenuptial agreement is signed. Spouses can amend or revise their prenup to reflect significant changes in their lives, such as the birth of children, career advancements, or inheritances. To modify a prenup, both parties must agree to the changes, and the amendments must be executed with the same formality as the original agreement. This often includes written documentation and legal counsel to ensure the revisions meet legal standards and are enforceable.

Regularly reviewing and updating a prenuptial agreement is a prudent practice that can help couples ensure their prenup remains relevant and reflects their current situation. This proactive approach can prevent disputes and provide ongoing peace of mind.

Trusted Legal Counsel 

If you're considering a prenuptial agreement or need to discuss amendments to an existing one, Laubacher & Co. is here to provide expert guidance. Our experienced family law attorneys understand the nuances of Ohio's legal landscape and are dedicated to helping couples secure their financial futures.

Contact us to learn how we can assist you in creating a prenuptial agreement that aligns with your unique circumstances and goals. Let us help you build a strong foundation for your marriage with the peace of mind of knowing your interests are protected.
