Cleveland Family Law Attorneys
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Helping Children Cope With Divorce Over the Holidays

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, for families navigating the aftermath of a divorce, it can also be a time of stress and uncertainty. This is especially true for children, who may struggle with changing family dynamics and a shift in holiday traditions. As a Cleveland family law firm specializing in divorce cases, we at Laubacher & Co. understand these challenges and are here to offer guidance and support.

Communicate with Your Former Spouse

While communication with an ex-spouse or separated spouse may be difficult, it is essential to prepare a clear plan for the holiday season. Establishing a holiday schedule in advance will ensure that you and your ex-partner both understand the transitions between households, so that you can not only prepare the children for the schedule they will be required to follow, but also to ensure that you can capitalize on your own holiday time by planning activities with friends and family when the children are with you. Never underestimate the value that being flexible and accommodating when it comes to scheduling time with your children can hold.

Keep Traditions Alive

Holidays can be a time of tradition and memories, both old and new. Practicing old traditions can help provide stability and comfort to your children during this time of change. Creating new traditions can also provide a sense of new beginnings.

Be Honest with Your Children

It is important to be honest with your children about the changes that are happening in your family. Answer your children’s questions truthfully but do your best to keep the conversation age-appropriate and positive.

Focus on the Present

It is easy to get caught up in the past or worry about the future. Focusing on the present and making the most of your time with your children is always preferred. Some ideas to stay present during the holidays include, but are not limited to planning fun activities, visiting extended family, baking delicious treats, engaging in religious practices (if applicable) and/or watching a holiday movie together.

Seek Support

Divorce can be a difficult time for parents, as well. Do not be afraid to seek support from family, friends, or a therapist. Taking care of yourself will help you be a better parent for your children.

These tips may help your children cope with the transitions and adjustments that accompany a divorce during the holiday season. If you need additional support or guidance, Laubacher & Co., is here to help. Our experienced family law attorneys can provide legal representation and guidance for all aspects of divorce and child custody.

If you have questions or need assistance navigating divorce and co-parenting during the holiday season, please don't hesitate to contact us.
