Cleveland Family Law Attorneys

Collaborative Divorce May Be Key To Resolving Divorce Disputes

Going through the divorce process can be confusing and challenging both emotionally and financially. However, just because you find yourself headed for divorce does not mean the process has to be filled with animosity between you and your soon-to-be-ex.

The reality is that an increasing number of couples in Ohio and elsewhere are opting to resolve their divorce disputes outside of court. This is possible thanks to an alternative dispute resolution process known as collaborative divorce.

What exactly is collaborative divorce?

Collaborative divorce is a process that involves negotiating to troubleshoot and solve problems rather than going through a traditional divorce trial to deal with them. These problems may have to do with property distribution, child custody, child support, and alimony, for example.

For a collaborative divorce to be effective, both you and your future ex-spouse must be willing to try to make the process work. Otherwise, the negotiations and mediation involved in collaborative divorce might end up being fruitless.

What can you expect during a collaborative divorce?

During this process, both you and the other party will meet together regularly with your attorneys to discuss the divorce matters at hand. You can also incorporate other professionals into your meetings to help you to arrive at important decisions — for example, accountants or child custody specialists. It is essential that these parties, however, are neutral so that bias does not influence the input they provide.

Why collaborative divorce?

Collaborative divorce offers a wide range of benefits. These include the following:

  • Informal setting
  • Time savings
  • Monetary savings
  • Honest, open, and free exchange of information between you and your spouse

Yet another reason to choose this divorce process option is that you and your future ex can decide how you will deal with post-settlement disputes down the road. In addition, ultimately, you and the other party can negotiate the type of result that works best for both sides, without further court involvement.

Collaborative divorce can be especially handy for couples in Ohio who have minor children. After all, traditional divorce litigation can be stressful for the entire family. By resolving their disputes more amicably, two divorcing parents can minimize the negative impacts of the marital breakup on the children as well as keep their relationship as intact as possible for the purpose of co-parenting in the years ahead.